Thursday, March 14, 2013

What a Wonderful World (Blogging under the Influence)

I did too much walking yesterday, so I had to take a percocet tonight...I will check in tomorrow and do any necessary editing :-)

"The world is full of a number of things, I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings" (Robert Louis Stevenson)

Just sitting here thinking of all those wonderful things and I thought I would share them with ALL (heh!) my readers.

1.) Michael Buble'. I <3 Michael Buble' and I think everyone else should too. He has a new album coming out in April, but he's released one song from said album. Here it is:

2.) Green Jasmine Tea This is about as wonderful as chocolate, as far as I'm concerned.

Add ice and a little stevia..yummmm.

3.) Chocolate

4.) Tulips

After killing the tulips Jaime brought me, I bought myself some planted tulips (I only killed one out of four of them, the remaining three are thriving!) and put them in a nice pot next to Avery the avocado tree. I think he likes the pretty company :-)

5.) Spud and Chloe Sweater Yarn

(okay, I haven't actually worked with it yet. I don't even own any. But I squish it everytime I see it and I am GOING to buy some soon.

6.) This video:

If I have any readers, please share with me the little things that make your world wonderful :-)

Good night, and Sweet Dreams...


  1. Hey girl. Haven't talked to you in a bit. Been pretty busy here. Hope you are well. I love this post :) Yes. Michael Buble' has a way of making people feel bubbly :) The way the color changes ever so slightly, made me think my eyes were weirding out on me. Then I realized, yes, the color is shifting. I took your challenge and made my own list. You can check it here I listed a link back here to your post. Hope you don't mind :)

  2. So glad I inspired you :-) I owe you an e-mail, which I hope to get to this weekend! <3
